Five types of green businesses to start during a recession

As we all know by now since the media will not make us forget it: We are in a worldwide recession. We actually are in a Triple E crisis involving Energy; Economic and Environmental components. As a matter of fact as we get out of this recession we will dig even deeper into the Energy and Environmental crisis.

The good news is that with a crisis come opportunities that will remain after the recession. Hundreds of thousand of smart, experienced workers are left idle and looking for jobs that may never come back. Why not start a green business and take advantage of this “green trend”.

As far as the world’s attitude in concerned, becoming a more “green,” environmentally conscious society is a good thing. This is reflected everywhere in the economy from automobile companies going out of their way to produce more fuel efficient cars to electronic manufacturers designing energy efficient products. From everyday household appliances to the clothes you wear to work, companies are taking measures to ensure that the carbon footprint generated by their products is minimized.

The idea that only large companies should change their ways is wrong. In fact, small business can actually do a lot more to help the environment. The reason for this is simple: A small business doesn’t have miles of red tape to cut through, thousands of employees, or tons of legislation. Personally owned businesses can create and market green products today and help the world tomorrow. This also extends to people starting a new business. Why not start a green business?

With the massive momentum behind the green movement, anyone with determination can take full advantage of this relatively new and life saving trend. Not only can you experience the self satisfaction of helping out a horrendous environment, you can also capitalize on this ever-growing market. And don’t think for a minute that it’s exploitation or abusing the environmentally conscious – after all, if you’re not opening a business for profit, you may as well give your money away.

So, what “type” of business is green? Let’s examine a few types of eco-friendly businesses and how they can work for you and your prospective customers.

Green alternative products

People are looking for eco products made from recycled material, products that are more respectful of the environment.  Your new business can help eco-aware consumers find alternate products that will contribute to reverse the adverse effects of global warming. Eco-friendly green products are available everywhere or you could create your own. For example, you could sell energy efficient fluorescent bulbs, biodegradable trash bags, LED products, eco-friendly cleaning products, etc. We design and market bags and accessories made from recycled material(Cirque du Soleil tents, advertising billboards) and are always looking for distributors.

Green energy payback: cutting costs

Consumers also wish to save money while saving the environment. What about an appliance store that sells solar powered water heaters, or energy-star BSI

Environment_certified”title=”certified” >certified kitchen appliances? Maybe a website that offers information and sells all types of CFL, LED and energy efficient light bulbs. These items have an endless demographic, especially the solar powered items. People love the idea of clean and free energy.

Eat green and organic

What about the organic foods trend? You could help people to grow their own foods. This idea is something that everybody can get onboard with. From people with the smallest apartments, to families with multiple acres of land, you could have a “kit” for everyone. We met someone recently who designed deeper planters for apartments to grow vegetables.

Green transportation

For people tired of burning fuel and taking gas-guzzling public transport to and from work, they might be in the market for bicycles or scooters. Your store could offer a break from the city bus norm. Becoming a dealer of regular and electric bikes and scooters can definitely cement your status in the business world.

There are thousands of green business ideas out there. But the main focus is to remain committed to being an eco-friendly purveyor of goods and services. These businesses may not make you rich but you will create your own green collar job and be independent from incompetent managers and massive layoffs .You can own and operate a business that you believe in, and moreover, people will believe in you.

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